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Do You Love Me More Than These?

April 30, 2023 Speaker: Dr. Dave Berry Series: Following Jesus Together

Topic: Trust, Providence, Restoration, Betrayal Scripture: John 21:1–24

Jesus is Risen!

  1. Jesus is Risen! So There Are Fish To Catch For Jesus (John 21:1–14)
  2. Jesus is Risen! So Be Restored To God and Feed Jesus’ Sheep (John 21:15–17)
  3. Jesus is Risen! So Trust God’s Providence For Your Life (John 21:18–24)

God in Christ is a restorer of children who betray Him.

What kind of God do we worship and serve? The kind who dies for those who deny Him, the kind of God who suffers for and saves those who are to embarrassed to stand for Him...that’s what kind of God we worship and serve and lest you doubt, look to the cross and empty tomb.