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Biblical Deacons

May 29, 2022 Speaker: Dr. Dave Berry Series: Ekklesia

Topic: Deacons Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:8–13, Acts 6:1–7


  1. Faithful Deacons Are Qualified, Official Facilitators of Ministry (1 Tim 3:8–12)

  2. Faithful Deacons Protect, Defuse, Unify, and Mobilize the Church (Acts 6:1–7)

  3. Faithful Deacons Gain Great Confidence in the Faith (1 Tim 3:13)

  4. Six Ways To Respond To Deacons and Their Ministry

  1. Like elders, only install deacons with qualified character, proven skill set, and who are unifiers of the church
  2. Recognize that deacons are a needs based office that functions like “assistants to the elders.”
  3. Deacons, like elders, don’t do ministry so the church doesn't have to.
  4. Should you pursue being a deacon? Do you see or foresee areas where the elders are hindered from Word ministry?
  5. Pray for and thank your deacons!
  6. Recognize the love and ministry of Jesus through your deacons.